(too old to reply)
2013-03-03 17:41:01 UTC
"DocBGK" <***@gmail.com> wrote in message
From the many family photos I had in the online family album (below is
one of them), it's plainly obvious that "Goldie" was a young teenage
girl at the time.

What has that to do with the game of soccer ???

Who in their right mind puts their family on usenet anyway

2013-03-03 21:08:44 UTC
Post by Tommy
From the many family photos I had in the online family album (below is
one of them), it's plainly obvious that "Goldie" was a young teenage
girl at the time.
What has that to do with the game of soccer ???
It doesn't. It's an off topic crosspost.
Post by Tommy
Who in their right mind puts their family on usenet anyway
Ever heard of facebook, myspace, bolgs, photobucket etc? Like, you
know, I'm not the only person on earth who has family pictures on the
Post by Tommy
]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
2013-03-04 07:56:36 UTC
Post by DocBGK
Post by Tommy
From the many family photos I had in the online family album (below is
one of them), it's plainly obvious that "Goldie" was a young teenage
girl at the time.
What has that to do with the game of soccer ???
It doesn't. It's an off topic crosspost.
Post by Tommy
Who in their right mind puts their family on usenet anyway
Ever heard of facebook, myspace, bolgs, photobucket etc? Like, you
know, I'm not the only person on earth who has family pictures on the
But you're certainly one of the stupidest!

Besides, I'd let your father suck me off before I let that filthy wife
or 23 yo daughter of yours near my proud cock again...
2013-03-04 11:26:16 UTC
On Mar 3, 11:56 pm, "]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine"
Post by ]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
Post by DocBGK
Post by Tommy
 From the many family photos I had in the online family album (below is
one of them), it's plainly obvious that "Goldie" was a young teenage
girl at the time.
What has that to do with the game of soccer ???
It doesn't. It's an off topic crosspost.
Post by Tommy
Who in their right mind puts their family on usenet anyway
Ever heard of facebook, myspace, bolgs, photobucket etc? Like, you
know, I'm not the only person on earth who has family pictures on the
But you're certainly one of the stupidest!
Besides, I'd let your father suck me off before
You sound like an uneducated adolescent with a low IQ.
Post by ]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
I let that filthy wife
You really hate people not being white.
Post by ]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
or 23 yo daughter of yours near my proud cock again...
She's 18.

She was 14 when you saw her in some family pictures and started
talking about raping her.
2013-03-04 11:58:31 UTC
What mister roid seems to be dodging is the fact
that after seeing pictures of a 14 year old girl
(whoever she may be is irrelevant)
in a photo album, he started talking about wanting to
rape this child. That's all that matters.
Right you are Dmitri. The girl in the online family photo album was
... I still want to give it good to Goldie.
So Brian, when are you going to let me take a turn at bending Goldie
over a table?
]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
2013-03-04 12:19:28 UTC
On 16/04/1974, Mrs Kelley wrote;
My what a whining cunt my son is! No wonder his uncle tried to shut
him up via a cock in his forever quivering mouth!
I agree with you, Ace*hole's mum.

I always knew that ]v[eta and Ace's mums hole who see things eye to eye...
2013-03-04 14:21:03 UTC
On Mar 4, 4:19 am, "]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine"
Post by ]v[etaphoid - Ace-ass-owning-machine
On 16/04/1974, Mrs Kelley wrote;
 > My what a whining cunt my son is! No wonder his uncle tried to shut
him up via a cock in his forever quivering mouth!
I agree with you, Ace*hole's mum.
I always knew that ]v[eta and Ace's mums hole who see things eye to eye...
Is this the best you can do, operating on such a childish level? It's
a pity you never advanced past grade school playground bullshit.
